
Tuesday, December 6, 2016

What's Apache Spark, and how it works II

First two Apache Spark Tutorials:



Spark works on Big data. It is Open Source.

Here is how to install Spark on Ubuntu:


It is considered to be the successor to MapReduce for general purpose data processing on Apache Hadoop clusters. In MapReduce the highest-level unit of computation is a job. In Spark, the highest-level unit of computation is an application.

It exposes APIs for Java, Python and Scala and consists of Spark core and several related projects.

Spark SQL-Module for working with structured data. Allows you to seamlessly mix SQL queries with Spark programs

Spark Streaming-API that allows you to build scalable fault-tolerant streaming applications.

MLlib-API that implements common machine learning algorithms.

GraphX-API for graphs and graph-parallel computation.

Here is an example of how an Apache Spark application works.

The simplest way to run a Spark application is by using the Scala or Python shells.

1. To start one of the shell applications, run one of the following commands:



2. To run the classic Hadoop word count application, copy an input file to HDFS:

$hdfs dfs -put input

3. Within a shell, run the word count application using the following code exmaples, submitting for namenode_host, path/to/input, and path/to/output


scala > val myfile=sc.textFile("hdfs://namenode_host:8020/path/to/input")
scala > val counts=myfile.flatMap (line=>lin.split(" ").map(word =>(word,1)).reduceByKey(_+_)
scala > counts.saveAsTextFile("hdfs://namenode:8020/path/to/output")


>>>myfile =sc.textFile("hdfs://namenode_host:8020/path/to/input")
>>>counts=myfile.flatMap(lambda line : line.split(" ")).map(lambda word: (word, 1)).reduceByKey(lambda v1,v2:v1+v2)

The above code works on core Spark. We can also build Spark applications.

Here are some Spark books:

Mastering Apache Spark by Mike Frampton


Spark Cookbook by Rishi Yadav


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